When it Began

I’m adding in all the CaringBridge posts from when Christy’s cancer first showed itself. I love that it chronicles our journey through these very difficult and precious moments in time. There are quite a few posts that Christy wrote from her perspective. I feel close to her reading these.

Dec 15, 2007

Christy is doing well after having a seizure.we are admitted at sycamore hospital and will be having more tests in the morning.

 Dec 15, 2007

mri revealed an abnormality, possibly herpes simplex encephelitus. They are going to start treatment. We definitely are not leaving the hospitalnow.

 Jan 3, 2008

We visited our neurologist today and looked over the latest MRI and it has been determined that there has been no significant change. What does that mean? Well, based on Christy’s current condition, which is great, and based on the facts that her short term memory has rebounded almost fully, she has had no additional seizures and all other tests are normal, the doctor still feels in her gut that ADEM is the correct diagnosis. But, with the fact that this would only be the 2nd time she has treated this disorder, she doesn’t want to rely on her gut and would like to send us to the Cleveland Clinic for a second opinion and hopefully a firm diagnosis. So, it looks like a trip to Cleveland is in our immediate future. We are feeling positive and we are putting our total trust in God’s hands. Christy will most likely have to stay on anti-seizure meds for the rest of her life, but thank God, these medications exist! The doctor was also amazed that Christy gained no weight while on “elephant doses”(Dr. Merryman’s words) of steroids. Thanks for everyone’s prayers and support. We are indeed blessed!

Doug and Christy

Jan 14, 2008

Well, we are going to be staying for a few days here in Cleveland for further testing to find the cause of the inflammation. The first doctor we have seen does not think this is adem. I will get out some more info a little later. Christy’s room phone number is 2164447444.


 Jan 17, 2008

We’re home again, Yeah!! We got in last night around 11:00. Our attending doctor came in last night around 6:00 and said all the tests they needed were ran and there was no need to stay any longer. That was a nice surprise and it didn’t take us but 5 minutes to be packed, dressed and ready to go. Of course, we had to wait to get our release paperwork and the IV taken out, but they were pretty quick. So, now the update. After running many tests, and some results will not be back for weeks, it has fairly well been determined that we are looking at a brain cancer. This particular cancer is one that is in several areas of the brain, not just one spot. This is not a 100% diagnosis, but the doctors have pretty much agreed and after looking at the MRIs and having them explained and matching this with the physical symptoms, it all makes sense. A few other tests will look for cancers in other parts of the body. Those will be done here in town. Once those are done, we will be heading back to Cleveland in about 4 weeks to consult with our doctor and surgeon, get another MRI and a PET scan. A biopsy will also need to be done at some point to fully determine the state of the cancer and thus the treatment. That is the bad news. The good news is that the cancer does not appear to be aggressive at this stage and that Christy is doing well. Also, this looks to be treatable with a normal life possible. Our doctor, Heinrich Elinzono (pray for him) has treated this before successfully and he was very optimistic. We are a little “shell shocked” at this point and it is hard to bring this type of news to everyone, but we trust in Jesus and know that he will take care of us. We are so thankful for all of you and need your love, prayers and support to get through this. We are truly blessed.


Feb 21, 2008

Well, we’ve experienced our 2nd trip to the Cleveland Clinic and wanted to thank you all for your love and especially your prayers. God is working and we are in awe! The tests still show the same problem areas, but there has been no noticeable change in the MRI pictures since our last visit. Yeah God!! Additionally a PET scan was done, which would show malignant type activity if there was any. Praise God, there is no such activity!! At this point, our doctors (who are both just wonderful) believe this is most likely cancer, but without getting a sample can’t be totally sure of its exact nature and thus how to best treat it. Options are to wait and watch, as this appears to be something that is growing very slowly (and may have been in her brain for quite some time), but we’re not too keen on that choice. The other option, which we are taking, is to do a needle biopsy and get samples of the abnormal tissue and hopefully find out exactly what we’re dealing with. So, that will most likely take place in 4 weeks. This procedure will require about a day and a half stay, but should have a quick recovery period. Please pray that this procedure will provide the tissue that the doctors will need to make a final diagnosis and we can get a plan of attack. Christy is feeling great and just left for the Women’s walk to Emmaus at Normandy Church. She is serving on the team as a prayer servant. I can’t think of a better place for her to be as I know God will use her in a powerful way. Jesus, you are so amazing!!

Love you all,

Doug and Christy

Apr 2, 2008

We’re back from Cleveland, here’s the latest:
• Difuse infiltrative lessons (abnormal cells) are non neo-plastic (non cancerous)
• The abnormal areas are in several areas of the brain, with the most prominent area (this was the biopsied area) in the left parietal lobe which controls memory
• No treatment at this point, but will repeat MRIs every 3 months for 1 year, then every 4 months, then eventually every 6 months
• These abnormal cells could likely have been in Christy’s brain for many years
• There has been no change since the MRI on December 14th
• An infiltrating low grade glioma cannot be ruled out without biopsy of every area
• The areas of abnormality could be thought of as like weeds in your lawn, a little here and there, but under control and not taking over the lawn
• There is the possibility that there not be any change for decades
• No evidence of MS or lymphoma
• Christy’s Keppra (anti-seizure meds) dosage will be lowered slowly to possibly taking her off completely
• Christy will be able to begin driving again next week

We are very excited and relieved at this stage. Thank you all for your prayers, please continue to pray for no change or change in the other direction in that it all just disappears, a God sized Poof!

This all looked so much more serious just last week, but we believe God has provided the healing. He has sustained us through these difficult months, strengthened our faith, healed broken relationships and brought our family closer together. We know without a doubt that God has responded to our prayers as He has promised in His Word. Our God is an awesome God indeed! We love you all.

Doug and Christy

un 8, 2008

Well, we are back in the hospital again (sycamore). Christy began having some weird pain and numbness in her left leg and abdominal area. This was after some strangeness that started after a friday night walk that involved a severe headache and vomiting. She has finally got some relief after a rough morning. Please add us to your prayers today.


Jun 11, 2008

Not back home, but close it would seem. The original pain and numbness has been taken care of with a new medication. Christy is feeling great and looks healthy. No changes were indicated from the MRI done on Christy’s brain compared with previous MRIs taken many months ago and all other tests did not indicate any problems, so that is all good. It looked like we were going to go home last night as we were given a good report from the neurologist, but looking at a blood test done on blood taken on Monday, it should her liver enzymes really high (500, normal is <20). The internal medicine doctor had them take blood again on Tuesday morning as he thought it was a mistake. The enzymes were high again (300), but down from the previous test. As her blood was tested when she first went to the emergency room and the liver enzymes were normal at 12, this could be caused by the new medication and most likely is not a problem and the liver will get back to a normal enzyme count. But, to be safe, a ultrasound is being done of the liver this morning. We’ll let you know what we find out. Thanks for all the prayers! We appreciate everyone’s support.


 Jul 21, 2008

First of all, thanks to everyone for all your prayers, encouragement and support! We made it back from Cleveland late Saturday afternoon. The surgery went well and our surgeon was able to get the samples needed with the less intrusive procedure. They did prepare to for the craniotomy and had a couple of arteries that had to be navigated, hence the incision is much larger than the previous biopsy. Christy is doing very well. She just needs to get some rest and allow the incision to heal. We’re not sure when we will get word on the pathology findings. We will let everyone know when we know.

Love you all,

Doug and Christy

Jul 23, 2008

Well, we got a call from our surgeon this evening and it is confirmed that we are dealing with a malignancy called an Astrocytoma. These are graded from 1-4 with 4 being the worst. There is evidence of at least a small percentage being of a grade 3. Even though all tests and indicators to date have shown a lower grade process, they will treat for a grade 3 process. What does this mean? Well, we won’t know exactly until we meet our doctors on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The doctors will all meet on Monday and go over the pathology report together and come up with a recommended plan for treatment. We feel God has provided us with nothing but the best doctors and we feel very hopeful and confident that we are in good hands. Keep us in your prayers. We will let you know more when we know more.

Doug and Christy

Jul 30, 2008

I just wanted to let everyone know that we now have a game plan in place for Christy’s treatment. She will be getting radiation and chemotherapy. She will start her treatment August 11th at the Cleveland Clinic. She will be getting whole brain radiation therapy 5 days a week for 3 weeks. At the same time she will be taking a chemotherapy pill once a day for the same 3 weeks. After that she will take chemotherapy pills for 5 days every month for 6-18 months. The doctors are very optimistic that this treatment will be successful in getting rid of the cancer. While in Cleveland for treatment they will be staying in the Hope House, this offers free lodging to those who are getting treatment done at the Clinic. Hopefully I have explained this correctly, Doug will be sending out a more detailed update after they get back into town. Thanks to all for you continued support and prayers!


Aug 8, 2008

Hey all!! Today Doug and I were going to head up to Cleveland to do a test run for the radiation treatmant and get appts scheduled for actual treatment starting next Monday. They called yesterday and told Doug and I that there was a problem with some machine, so could we come Saturday at 2:00ish. I immediately said yes, because I am ready to get this stuff going!!! So, that gives Doug and I another day to get things in place here at home before we head up Monday (a God thing?)!!! We are really busy on the work end, so prayers for Doug to be able to deal with me and work would be great!! I have told him he can stay home and take care of business, but for some reason he wants to be with me if possible, whats that all about? (kidding) Anyway, I have family members and friends lined up to be with me in Cleveland for the treatments besides Doug (thank you ladies!). So, if things do get out of hand with work he knows I am in good hands. Well, we will try to keep you advised as things progress. I have been told worse case and best case where this treatment is concerned, so still don’t know what to expect!! Love you all and thank you for your prayers!!!


Aug 10, 2008

Ok, I just wrote this long update and somehow I lost it! Oh, well, let’s try this again!!

Doug and I went up to Cleveland on Saturday and did a simulation of the treatment!! I got to try my mask that I got fitted for last week. I panicked a bit when I first got it on because it fits right to my face and then it is attached to the table that I am laying on. And you can’t talk during this time! I think that is probably the hardest part for me!! But, the actual treatment will only last 5 minutes approx. And then Doug and I headed back home. Spent lots of time this weekend with family and friends!! I am blessed with a great family and great friends!!! Spent a lot of time packing and getting my house in order to be away all week!! Doug and I will head up about 10:00 Monday to go to first Radiation treatment at hospital and then head to our motel room. My sister Cheryl and her daughter Amanda will meet us at the hotel. Still no word on the Hope House (free lodging) , but still a chance it could happen before this is over. So, the routine this week will be getting up in the morning and taking chemo drugs and anti nausea medicine 2 hours before I eat anything. Then mid day get the radiation and the rest of the day will be just fun and games!! At least that’s my plan!! Doug will have to see how work goes to see if he can stay all week or not. He could do some work from Cleveland if internet access works out. We are very busy with work, but we have a wonderful crew at home – Casey, Aram and Michael! On Wed my sister Cindi and her daughter Nikki are going to tag team Cheryl and Amanda. We might all hang out a bit before Cheryl and Amanda head home and Cindi and Nikki will stay until treatment Friday at 12:30 and then we will all come home, yes!!!! And start it all over again the following week!!

So, ready or not, here goes!! Thank you all for your prayers and help at this time!! I thank God for all of you!! May God bless you all for your help! And may God use me up there in Cleveland! Cleveland Rocks!! And if none of this makes sense, don’t blame me, remember I have a medical condition!!

Love you, Christy

Aug 12, 2008

Hey, it’s me!! Well, it is Tuesday and things are going well! Yesterday and today I took the chemo drugs in the morning and had the radiation in the afternoon. They have agreed with me so far. Had a headache yesterday and a bit today, but could be lack of caffeine. Saw my radiation doctor today and he reminded me that the radiation is a pretty high dose. I will need to keep that in mind as the days, weeks go by. May not be feeling so chipper next week.

Ok, enough about that stuff! We were on our way here yesterday and about 12:30 got a call from the Hope Lodge and they said they had an opening! Thank you God!! So, I immediately called the motel and cancelled. It is great here, very homey, and have met some nice people!! Food has been great, Candy and Christine!! Eating has been our highlight, well that and the people we have met!! Cheryl and Amanda are right now trying to find a jigsaw puzzle to work on. They are quite a few spots where you can either watch tv or work on puzzles, etc. Plenty of computers, Doug has been able to stay in touch with the work world so far! Our crew at home are doing a great job taking care of business!! We will take it easy the rest of today. Cindi and Nikki will come up and we will all spend a bit of time together tommorow/Wed before Cheryl and Amanda leave! Cheryl and Amanda have been great to have here!

Well, I wish I had a joke to tell you all, but I think the radiation zapped my joke for today! Oh, wait!

Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I broke my arm in two places!

Doctor: Stay out of them places!

Maybe I can come up with a better one tomorrow!!

Love you all, miss you all and thank you all for your kind words and prayers!! Couldn’t do it without your support!!


Aug 14, 2008

Hello, its me. Again I typed a long journal and lost it. So lets try this again. Between computers and radiation I can’t win. Yesterday, the radiation was rough, the more treaments I’m finding the effects are getting worse, not terrible just more intense. Not that I am complaining!

Yesterday, Cindi and Nikki came down, and Cheryl and amanda departed. We went to the treatment at 5 o’clock. Was in and out quick!! Then we went to find a grocery and found Dave’s!! Man, groceries are sooo expensive! It kills me! So, then we had to find our way back home and Doug made it into a nice trip! I actually wasn’t feeling great after the treatment, but had to push through it. We got home, made delicisous Tony’s pizza’s(not!) Nikki loved them! We will have lasagna today! Still working on puzzles, that’s a big thing here!! Very challenging!

Today we have to get ready for treatment at 12:30! I mean I have to. Not sure what we will do today, don’t know how I will feel, but Nikki mentioned she wanted to see the lake and I think we all would like to do that!! Oh, and we heard about a Dairy Queen! We were hankering for some dairy Queen! When we got there it was a Dairy King (small little building) but, the server was young and sweet and boy can that King make a good hot fudge sundae!!

Thank you all for your help, notes, prayers and just keeping in touch! But, if you have time, I would love to hear what’s going on in your lives!! As treatment goes on I may not remember them, but I can always go back and read them!! My notes may be fewer as this treatment continues, I may have to dictate!!

And, Connie, I asked Doug if I could have the puppy that you said needed a home! He said when I get done with the treatment’s and if he is still available that I can have him! I have seen that breed before(some of you have seen this breed, too) and I have wanted one for a long time! (I will try to get a pic of him and post it, you all will fall in love with him, too!)

OK! Hopefully I don’t lose this!! Got to go get ready for treatment at 12:15.

Again, love you all and may God bless you as you help me in all the ways you have and I know you will continue!

Love you all bunches and miss you all!


Aug 15, 2008

Hi you all! well last treatment for the week will be at 12:45 today! WooHoo! Now, I must say that the “woohoo…” is a bit weak this morning!! Iam tired. No jokeys today! Thanks for the jokes you sent!!

Thanks again for the messages!!

I seept in untill 9:45! And I was dragging! I just have to push thru. We have been meeting lots of wonderful nice people all around!! That helps alot! The Olympics and puzzles have kept us occupied!!

Well, I must get ready and try to wake up! We will get our room straightened up up after the treatment, pack up and head home! It has been nice here all things considerd and it helps having family here, but theres nothing like home!!

Love you all and thank God fr each one of you! It is a blessing to know that I dont have to go trought this alone! May God bless you this day and have a wonderful weekend!!


Aug 17, 2008

Hi all! Since Christy has not had an opportunity and was in her words “feeling puny” I thought I would add an entry for her today. We made it home around 7:00 Friday and it was so nice to be back. We were pretty worn out, but our bed felt wonderful. Christy is doing very well considering what she is being hit with. Pray hard this week as I know it will be even tougher as the treatments build.

We made it to church this morning. We are so thankful for Apex. Our spririts were definitely ministered to through pray, song and God’s Word. He is our hope and our courage.

We will be heading back to Cleveland this evening, so we won’t have to rush up in the morning. Christy’s radiation treatments are at 12:45 from here on out.

I have to say, we have just been awed by the outpouring of love shown to us. With food, cards and notes of encouragement and pray, gas cards, a new wig and all the postings on the website (just to name some of the gifts we have received), we have seen the face of Jesus in all of you! It is such a beautiful thing!

From Christy and myself: Big hugs. We are praying for all of you. We love you all!


Aug 18, 2008

Hello!! It’s after 9:00 and just wanted to touch base with you all before the GAMES begin! Today I feel good, headache stopped Sunday and still gone. But, with the radiation starting today it may start up, but so far have been able to deal with with Tylenol.

Just read all you wonderful messages!! Thanks, they are one of the many things that will get me through this!!

Cathy, Doug and I have “settled” in and ready for the week of treatments. Again, this is a very peaceful place and lots of peaceful things to do, when not feeling like doing too much!

Well, I need to start getting ready for the first treatment. Thank you for all your prayers and kind words! God continues to bless me through you all, very overwhelming! Hopefully I can return the blessings on the other side of this!!!

Love you all and miss you all,


Aug 19, 2008

Good morning all! I hate to say it but I didn’t get out of bed until 10:00, i think! The rooms are very sound proof and dark and hard to tell what time it is. doug is getting up bright and early to start his day, though! Thank you all at home who are taking care of Korbin, cats and home!!

I had to take a nap after radiation yesterday and then we hung out with many of those who are staying here, getting to know them a bit better! Some leaving and new ones coming every day. So many stories here! I keep on praying that God will use me here in whatever way He sees fit.

Love hearing from you all! Keeps my spririts up and lets me know that God is surrounding me with His love and yours! And Cody, I can’t wait to play water volleyball again! I may start practicing this Winter at the Y to get ready for the summer games! Again, thank you all for what you do! I think of you all at different times throughout the day and what I would like to say to you all, but forget when I sit here. My memory is still a bit bad but just short term things. Cathy and Doug are keeping me on track! I miss you all! And Ree & Trin, it was great seeing you this weekend, even though it was short!! Trinity showed Doug and I how she can now ride her bike with training wheels! She’s getting big…. sniff, sniff!!

Well, I must get ready for the next treatment and then we check in with my radiation doctor, I think. I may start feeling puny next couple days, so not sure if I will be able to “gab” with you all, but know that I love you all and just appreciate all that has been done and given on my behalf!! God is Good!! I am truly blessed!!!


Aug 20, 2008

Just wanted to check in with you all!! Things are going very well! sitting at the Cleveland Clinic waiting to get my radiation treatment. Day 8 and 7 more to go, I think! WooHoo!! Still feeling pretty darn good!! Just a bit tired, but eating good! Probably will gain a few pounds here!! We did walk quite a bit today at the hospital. Had a 9:00 appt with my chemo doctor and we went over what would happen when I leave here next Friday, but I can’t remember what they said. That’s why I have Doug with me, mind like a steel trap!! They only thing that I am dealing with where the chemo and radiology are concerned is being a bit tired. What a blessing! Again, God is good! I still keep on questioning if they are giving me the radiation treatments, but they say they are for real, the 10 seconds that they last!

Casey, I’m glad Socs is happy with you! Hope the other 2 are doing well!

I read everyones messages and thank God for you and your messages! It would be hard to be up here and out of touch with my real world! Thank you all for your prayers and your words of encouragement and your funnies!! My mind is a bit sluggish, so when I get on here to update there is much more I would love to say, but I forget what I want to say. Again thank you all who have taken care of Doug and I in soooo many ways! Cathy has been great up here! But, for you that know her and appeciate her humor (which I do as well) she can’t get a word in edge wise with me! How come no one ever told me I talk too much? With that said, I will be quiet until next time!

Lots of love and hugs!!


Aug 21, 2008

OK!! How do I respond with all the seriousness i can muster, when you all are having such a good time at my expense! And in the background here at Hope Lodge a concert pianist is playing down at the lower level!! He is good, but I keep waiting for a gymnast to do a “triple somersault with a double axle split” to pass in front of me any minute!

I am still doing well, but getting more tired as the week and treatments go on. Still eating good, we had a potluck tonite and it was very good! Again the people here are so nice, some leaving and some coming everyday! It’s a triumph when someone gets to go home!! I am looking forward to coming home for the weekend, but not sure what that even looks like now adays.

Casey, thanks for taking care of things at home (expecially kittys)! I hope cats and you can hang in there one more week!! And thank you all who have helped to make this stay away from home a bit easier!!

Again thanks for your wonderful loving and kind words you send my way!! Just being able to hear from all of you makes being away a bit easier!!

Only 6 more treatments and I will be done with the radiation, so at this point God has helped me to get through them and missing my home. I just have it in my head that it will be over soon and I will be home!! Your prayers are making all the difference!!

Ok, I am tired and need to sit and rest!

Love you all and may God bless each of you! Keep your eye out for that!!


 Aug 25, 2008

Hello all!! Please know that I love each and everyone of you and appreciate all the ways you show your love to me!! Your love is not wasted!

Ok, here we are again up in the city of steel yards, rock-n-roll and hospitals all over the place!! I have come to love this town! but, could never leave my family unless God calls Doug and I to do that!

Had a wonderful weekend, but was a bit out of touch! It seems so hard to stay in touch with you all, but when I get down to it, it’s not! Imagine that!! Again, I love you all and miss you, but it was sooooo wonderful to see some of you this weekend!! We have received lots of great food, but doug is enjoying more than I!! My taste is messed up! Things just don’t taste the way they should! I am still eating inspite of that!!

I will have my next treatment (#5 count down!) and we will see what trouble I can get into at the hospital and at the Hope House!! Both places have been a blessing to us, but I am ready to be home!! Pray for my cat Roxi! She is not taking me being away very well! Casey is trying to love on her amongst the other things she is taking care of!!

I think my hair is starting to fall out! My scalp is a bit irritated and today I was it seems that when I pull a bit there is some hair! So, I’m trying not to mess with it too much, afraid a bit?

Lynn!! Thank you for the beautiful song that you sang to me!! Miss you and appreciate you more than you will ever know!! Everyone, again, has just loved on me more than I deserve and on the other side of this, may I give back!!

I love you all and you all are in my thoughts and prayers! My mind is having a hard time working and remembering, but it could be worse!!

May God bless you all this week and I will let you know how things progress – the good, the bad and the ugly!!


Aug 27, 2008

Hello!!! I have enjoyed all of your wonderful notes of love!! It sounds like I will be taken care of when I get home! Can’t wait! I am feeling very good!

I have met a wonderful woman named Pat who is in much pain, but in all of her pain has shared her Faith in the Lord with me! She’s kind of my buddy right now!! Even in her sickness – cancer operation and a siatic nerve in her back – she makes a point to sit and talk with me. She is in more pain from the siatic nerve right now and it brings her to tears from time to time. She came down this morning and said she had a dream and her therapist was in it (he has been helping her with the siatic) and he told her to keep moving and he encouraged her. So, today she wakes up and is not in the pain that she has been in!! Pretty cool, huh?

Did I say I am feeling great today! I am sitting in the dining room and ate my breakfast with Pat and her husband. And after writing this I need to do some journaling, prayer and get ready for my treatment!

My hair is really starting to come out! Ready or not!! I am thankful for the beautiful wig that I can wear!! Just have to say, I picked out one that looks like Dolly Parton! But if I work with it a bit it looks like what my hair used to look like! Don’t laugh!!

Again, the people who do my radiation treatments are so nice and even though I am ready to go home, I will miss these people! And I hope that I get well enough that I never have to see them again!!

Have I said that Doug has been able to work up here and it has been great for him! He is ready to get back home though!

Alright, thanks again for staying in touch and thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement!

Love you all!! Christy

Aug 28, 2008

Just wanted to thank you all for your wonderful notes to me! Don’t know what I would have done without them encouraging me and all the prayers, thanks!! I appreciate all the messages from you all!! I couldn’t imagine not being able to stay in touch with you all!! It was almost like you all were here with me!!

OK, 2 more treatments and we will be on the road home!! Awesome, huh!! I really miss my dusty home!!

My mom and sister Casey came into town last night and we need to connect with them here soon! Mom wants to see what I’ve REALLY been doing up here! So, we will get to hang out a bit today!

Must go so I can connect with them!

Lots of love, hugs and prayers to and for you all!

See you all in person soon!!


Aug 28, 2008

Thank you all for your wonderful messages! I am unworthy!! Yessssssssss!!!!!!! One more treatment!! Woo Hoo!!

Had a short but nice visit with mom and Casey!! Casey did such a wonderful job getting them here, but she had to work very hard to get them settled into a room!! When they got into town about 9 o’clockish she had trouble getting to the hotel that they had a reservation at because of the construction that is going on! But, she is a very determined lady and doesn’t give up and finally made it to the hotel. But… the hotel was full and so they sent them to the Inter Continental Suites at the same price as the other hotel. But, again she had trouble finding it because of closed roads, etc., yadayada(sorry). So, by 10:30 or so they were settled into a room! We were able to get together today after my treatment at 12:45 and had some lunch. Mom took a nap while Casey cut my hair. It looks much better, I think. I do have a lot of hair so their is still a bit left, but my part is pretty wide and that’s ok! Then we had some Starbucks waiting for the traffic to settle a bit befoe they left. And they are now hopefully home by now or close to it! They left at 5:30.

Doug and I are now watching the Cleveland football game! It likes Cleveland!

Julie P, I have 2 words for you – Angel Soft! Awesome! Enough said!!

And cody, I can’t wait to see you play soccer!!

Alrighty, I think I probably bored you all enough, so I must go so I can bore my husband!!

You all have blessed me with your messages and all the cards that I received starting on my birthday at the beginning of the month!! May God bless all of you as you have been a blessing to me!! You all have been in my prayers as I read your e-mails!

Well, thats all I have to say about that!

Love you all – Christy

Aug 30, 2008

OK! We are home!!! Halleluah! I think I used to know how to spell that word!! (Cheryl – we are going to have to talk about your “hello Dolly” chorus!)

Doug and I were so excited when we took off from the hospital after the last treatment yesterday, it just didn’t seem real!! But, here I am, it’s Saturday afternoon and we got to sleep in our own bed!!! There’s no place like home!! And when we drove up to the house last evening my porch was decorated with welcome signs!! Thank you to whom ever was responsible!! The “sistas”? It was a wonderful surprise!!

Thanks again to all of you who made my vacation from home bearable with your messages of love in your cards and e-mails! My memory is still a bit bad, so I think of things I would like to say or share, but they escape me when I sit down here to write. But, that’s OK!!

Well, I have got to do a few things so I can rest a bit!

Love and appreciate you all!!!! Christy

P.S. Happy Birthday Lynn G!!!!!!! I am so happy that you had such a wonderful day!!! Your family and friends are the best!!!!!!!

Sep 2, 2008

Hello! We have settled into our “regular” lives, for the most part! Your words of encouragement and prayers are most appreciated!!

I am still taking it easy, my energy level is a bit low. Trying to make sure that I know when I’m really tired, but know when to push myself. I needed and got a lot of rest Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Went to church Sunday 11:30 service and it was so nice! Got some unexpected praying over me!!

I tried to get back to some work today. I am still doing accounting for our personal finances and our business. Again, we have great employees who keep things going!! And Doug being able to work while we were away was wonderful in so many ways!!

My hair is pretty much gone, but I am ok with that. I have a beautiful wig and lots of beautiful scarves. (thank you all!) Not sure how long I won’t have hair, but again I have back ups!!

My cats have recovered from our being away and are taking their turns sitting and sleeping with me!

So, it is back to life in the big city! Thank you all for helping me to get through all this! I am excited about the fall season, but not ready for winter!

I love you all and know that you all are in my prayers!! God has still given me the energy to pray and read the Bible! I am ready to get back to House Church, too!!


Sep 8, 2008

Hello all!! Your messages mean alot to me and they are a great source of encouragement! It really is great to be home, but my energy level is a bit low right now and so, it’s hard to know if I should push myself or not. I pushed myself a bit last week, putting in a few long work days. Once I get started, I can’t stop. But, I think I paid the price by not being able to much but rest Saturday and Sunday! I couldn’t even go to church and I have to be pretty beat to miss church. This week I will try to not push so hard, it’s the first week of month that I have most of bookkeeping. And I know that between Casey and Doug they would have done my share, but I still feel the need to contribute. I just need to know when to stop!

Doug and I will take another trip up to Cleveland next Wednesday to see the Chemo doctor and get an MRI to make sure my brain is still there, I mean make sure that the swelling is going ok! It won’t be until next month that Doug and I go back up to Cleveland to get an MRI that hopefully can let us know is things are working. Keep Doug in your prayers as my caregiver. He is working lots of hours and trying to make sure that I eat and take my medicine,etc. Nothing tastes good! But, I am atleast able to eat some things that satisfy! Rhiannon is having us over this weekend to watch Ohio State game and she is making some food that atleast now sounds good and maybe some Buffalo Wild Wings.

OK, I love getting your notes of encouragement and just letting me know what is going on in your lives helps!! And it is so good to hear from old friends!!!

May God bless you all as your week unfolds!! And thanks for the blessings I receive from you all daily!!! May You know how much He loves you all!!

Much love and hugs to you all!!


Sep 22, 2008

Hello it’s me!! Sorry that I have been out of touch, but the power outage got the best of us last week! We were out of power until Thursday night. And I am sorry for any of you that are still out! My prayers are with you! My sister Casey is still without power.

Thanks to all who have sent me messages, thanks for taking the time and sending the love and prayers!! Also, thanks for the meals!! Those are going down pretty good and Doug especially appreciates!

Well, here is the scoop!! Doug and I drove up to Cleveland Wednesday. We left at 7:30 in the morning and didn’t get home until 10:30 that night! I only had 2 appointments, MRI at 11:20 and meeting with my chemo doctor at 1:15 . They were running behind in both places, so when we got done with Dr. Tekautz (and she took her time with us) it was about 4:00. Then we tried to get a presription filled for the chemo and again they couldn’t fill them. 45 minutes later one of our favorite nurses said that she could call and take care of it and it will be mailed to us from anothe source. We can’t get it filled at the hospital for some reason. Then we stopped on the way home to get dinner. Yada, Yada, sorry! Here’s what we found out. The doctor that read the MRI said “Grossly stable nonenhancing high signal within left parietal lobe and bilateral mesial temporal lobes”. Dr. Tekautz said that was good. Doesn’t mean much to me, but if she says it’s good, I’ll take it!! Dr. Tekautz says based on the MRI I don’t have to get another MRI until December! No Cleveland trips till then, WOO HOO!!!!!!!! They are starting to take a toll on Doug especially and I. He is so wonderful and patient!! So, now I just have to get blood work done every 2 weeks at Sycamore and I will start the heavy chemo drugs the 1st week in October for 5 or 7 days (can’t remember which). Then Doug and I are going to Seveirville, TN the 1st week in November, so I will do the chemo the week we get back. I think I will take it for 6 months, but I can’t remember. Oh well, it’s ok, right? The bottom line, right now I am somewhat tired, but can push myself a bit. I am able to eat ramen noodles and they taste good. I eat other stuff, but not as tasteful as the noodles.

October and November will be a busy, but enjoyable spending time with family and friends!!!! Still, not sure what my energy level will be like, but we will see!

Sorry if I rambled! Love and appreciate all of you!


Oct 4, 2008

Hello!! Sorry I haven’t been in touch, but life has been a bit hectic, again playing catch up with work and home stuff because of the power outage! I pray that this message finds you all doing well!!

I started the chemo this week, October 1st, and will take for 5 consecutive days. I am more tired this week, but really didn’t think I would feel effects until the following week. Still not quite sure what I will feel like next week, but luckily with our business in the home it makes it easier to function. I do some work then take it easy. I have to push myself a bit. And my appetite has definitely been affected since I started the chemo. Nothing sounds good to eat!! I just made a big pot of chili to take to a family gathering and can’t tell what it tastes like. Doug will have to finish the seasoning.

I am looking forward to getting together with my family!!! Doug and I got to watch Trinity last night for a few hours! She was very good and understood we had to do things that were easy on “nana”. She is 4½ and starting to act a bit older, I guess that’s a good thing, right? She likes to laugh!!!

And I do miss seeing all of you!!! Thanks again for all that you all do for me and the prayers are especially appreciate!! Lynn G, we really want to get together with you and yours!!! We will work on that!!

Well, I must take a nap if I am going to make it through the family get together and the rest of the day!!

Lots of love to you all!


Oct 16, 2008

Greetings! I wanted to give eveyone a brief update on Christy as she has been unable to do this herself. The chemo (temadar) has been much tougher on Christy physically than we anticipated. Combine this with a recurring restless leg that has affected her sleep and a dramatic appetite decrease, she is very weak. We did go to our family doctor and got medication for her legs and that has helped. She slept over 20 hours in one 24 hour period. It has been almost 2 full weeks since Christy took her last dose for this month and we can finally begin to see some of her strength coming back. We haven’t been able to attend church or get out much together. I’ve managed to ride my bike some to clear my head and strengthen my spirit. These are indeed tough times. Your prayers and support are so appreciated and needed! Thanks for the sharing of AGAPE love.


Oct 23, 2008

Wow, it’s been a week since I posted the last entry. Time surely passes quickly. Christy is getting stronger, but very slowly. She is still sleeping quite a bit and not eating a whole lot. She seems to be having more moments of being herself with the evening hours seeming to be her most energetic time. I am feeling much better concerning her health this week than last week at this time. Everyone’s support is so appreciated. We do feel very loved and God has graced us with the ability to live one day at a time. We are trying to just enjoy the moments. We are indeed blessed!


Nov 2, 2008

Greetings from Tennessee! We are close to the mountains and the weather is gorgeous. Christy is relaxed, not much energy, but getting a bit stronger. We found out after lab the past Wednesday that her white cell count was low and may delay the start of her next round of chemo. We also have to be cautious with germs and such. We don’t plan to do much down here, just relax and be together. We are going to try driving up in the mountains tomorrow. I know Christy wants everyone to know that she loves you and prays for you. She just doesn’t have the energy to keep up the communication right now. We have missed going to church, but have downloaded the messages we have missed and will be listening to them while we are here. We had a nice drive down here talking and listening to music. We are so blessed! We miss seeing everyone. Stay in touch please. Love to all!

Doug and Christy

Nov 10, 2008

Back to Ohio, there is no place like home! Christy is much the same. We went this morning and got Christy’s blood taken at Sycamore Hospital. I just got the call from the Cleveland Clinic that her white cell count is O.K. yeah!! So, she can go on with her treatment, which will consist of 5 days of chemo starting tonight. I also spoke with the nurse about the fatigue and it looks like they will be starting Christy on a low dose of ritalin to give help with her energy. Also, if her next MRI is stable, she may be able to stop the neurontine. At this point, all the drugs and treatments have side effects of tiredness and fatigue, so just the thought of energy and less drugs with tiredness effects is great news!

Christy actually ate an Arby’s roast beef sandwich today. Her first taste of meat in a awhile. I know that may such great news for our vegetarian advocates, but to me that means her taste may be starting to get back to normal.

We head back to the Cleveland Clinic on Dec 5th for a fairly full day. We will get to see our doctors and hope to get good news on the treatment progress. Please keep praying and don’t hesitate to call or stop by. Times seem difficult on some days, but God is so good! He continues to amaze us with his perfect timing in providing just what we need, when we need it.

Love you all,

Doug and Christy

Nov 17, 2008

Hey loved ones!

Just wanted to say hey before my energy level leaves me and I can’t communicate! Here is my thing, getting on the computer is hard and draining. So communicating and trying to keep everyone up on what is going on is not easy! And I thank God for Doug doing what he does. Pray for his energy level. I was able to do some house work last week and office work, thank You God!!

Just finished the 3rd chemo treatment. It went well I was able to eat pretty good. You never know on any given day what will taste good. I was trying to get some bookeeping done last week even though Casey has taken over most. Come the beginning of the year we will only have one company and hopefully that will be easier for Casey and I can back out of the picture until my health changes.

My Dad came in to town last week from Wyoming! There are six of us girls, including approx.10 grown grandkids, their spouses, and their kids – so you can imagine when we all get together for special occasions and holidays it’s crazy, but nice to just sit and catchup and hangout with all of them! It made for a long week!

My short term memory is still suffering. If I don’t write a thought down, and I ususally can’t find my pen and paper, it will escape me. But usually it pops back in few minutes. Still a bit tired and today the 1st week after chemo I am tired. Today, no food sounds good yet, so I have had crackers and and an Ensure. There are some office things that I really would love to tackle this week if possbile.

I would write more often, but it is too hard for me. Just trying to write this took atleast half an hour.

Again, I thank God for my beautiful husband, family and friends!!

Dec 1, 2008

Hello to all my dear family and friends!!

Nothing new to tell you. I am still feeling good except for being tired, but I am on a steroid that makes me able to work during the day. It kind of makes me obsessive and I can’t quit. Don’t particularly like that, but there is still work to be done.

Doug and I will be heading up to Cleveland Thursday evening and then our first appt is at 8:40 mri, 10:30 Dr. Chao Radiology Oncology, 11:00 Dr. Cohen Neurosurgery. I haven’t had an MRI since September. So, we pray that there are some changes. At this point, I have no idea what to expect, but I do know that God is in control and I will trust Him!

If you could pray for my concentration that would be awesome. My short term memory is still making things hard and it wears me out. And again it is frustrating for Doug, but he just goes with the flow, pray for him! He is putting in lotsssss of hours! Other than that I can’t complain!

It was nice to have the 4 day weekend, I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and had some down time! We had family Thanksgiving last weekend, so this was a very relaxing weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got to spend a bit of time with Rhiannon, Trinity and John. They have been sick, so had to wait till they were better before we could see them!

Well I must get back to work, it really is good for me!

Thanks for the love and support that you all give me!!!

May God bless you all during this CHRISTmas Season!

Dec 6, 2008

Another trip to Cleveland down. And Cleveland is lovely this time of year…..Actually, we had a really nice drive down and back. Central Ohio farm land is quite beautiful and serene. We saw quite a few deer and hawks on the way there and back. Christy loves to spot hawks while we are driving. I usually miss them, but she always seems to be able to spot a couple eveytime we are out.

Christy’s MRI report was once again stable, which is good news! We met with the radiation doctor and he said he was pleased with the treatment results and that there has been improvement, which he showed us in the MRI. We then met with our Neurologist, who confirmed the positive report and said Christy is doing very well. We confirmed with with him that the chemo would go for roughly 1 year. Also asked about getting off seizure meds sometime in the future and he said that was a real possibility. Christy has also been taking a low dose steroid, but that will most likely stop and she will instead be taking a ritalin type medication that will help her with energy, concentration and focus.

Although we would have liked to hear that everything is totally normal and that all meds and treatment can stop, we are extremely pleased! It has been a long year and this disease has changed our lives quite a bit, but it has also brought us closer to each other, our friends, our family and to God. Funny how something not so good, can actually be good for you.

Once again, we thank everyone for your prayers and support. We couldn’t imagine going through this without all of you. We have been filled with peace that simply goes beyond our understanding and our ability. We are indeed blessed! We hope that through your prayers and support of Christy and I that you each have drawn closer to the source of hope and peace, that being Jesus! We pray for all of you that He will provide just what each of you needs this day and that you will lean fully on Jesus for your strength, peace and hope!

Love to all,

Doug and Christy

Dec 29, 2008Greetings all! I wanted to keep everyone up to date on Christy’s status, at least for today anyway. The drugs and Christy’s reaction to them seem to be different each time. This go around, her white cell count was affected and she was also quite fatigued. The steroids are no more and have been replaced with a drug named vyvanse. This is normally used for ADHD in kids, but is supposed to help with focus and energy. Christy is slowly but surely gaining back her strength. We weren’t able to attend Christmas Eve services or do much visiting. We were able to make it to church this past Saturday. On Sunday, we even went to the YMCA and worked out together! Of course Christy wasn’t able to do much, but she was there. We hope to be able to return again soon. Our Christmas was a blessed one. We are so fortunate to have such a great family and circle of friends. God is so good! Continue the good fight, praying for one another in love. Love you all, Doug and Christy

 Jan 1, 2009

“Hey!” to all my loved ones!! Thank you for your thoughts, e-mails and prayers!! I still am having trouble getting on this website and updating!! Thank God for Doug and his computer savvy!! When I do get to my computer upstairs in our office, I have personal finances and small amount of our company work that it is hard mentally and physically to do much more. Please forgive me!!

My white blood count went back up this week, well atleast since results we got on Tuesday. I have been eating better this week. Lots of fresh fruit, some veggies, Boost drinks. I think my deal with food is that most foods that are processed taste odd. And meat just doesn’t get it. Next week on Monday or Tuesday I get my blood checked again and if it looks good I will start chemo treatment (5 days worth). It will be treatment #4. I have been able to push myself to do things, but still tired. I have moments when I sit on the couch and think I can’t get up, but the next thing I know I think of something that needs done and I can go a bit.

Spent a lot of time with my sisters and family during December and loved it!! Each one of my sisters help me out in many different ways!! I am going to try to work up the energy to go the movies with Rhiannon, take Trinity to a movie, and watch Trinity so Rhiannon and John can go out. Pray that I get many second winds, because this is something that I miss.

Sorry again that I have trouble keeping you all up, thank you Doug for sharing for me on the sight!!

Lots of His Love to you all!!


Feb 4, 2009

Hello! Sorry I haven’t updated lately! Here’s the scoop!

My last Chemo treatment was the Jan 5-9. Doug, my sister Cathy and I are heading up to Cleveland next Wed the 11th. I will get a MRI, then see my doctor who is prescribing the Chemo and then see my neurosurgeon to see where things stand. I was supposed to have 7 more chemo treatments, but not sure what they will say at the appointment next week. I am still a bit tired, but pushing through it. I think some of it is probably working and no excersise. I am working on that, but it is tax time and I am gathering all our info for 2008 and taking care of other things. My mind is still working a bit slow. I forget something within a couple of seconds of it coming to mind. So, I spend a lot of time trying to remember things. I try writing things down, but my notes don’t always make sense to me when I go back to read. It could be alot worse, I know. Doug and I have been trying to get to church, but I never know what my energy level is going to be like. When I have been at church I have trouble standing for too long and I get tired and I have to lay my head on Doug’s shoulder during the sermon. It’s either that or lay down on the pew, but that would be weird, do you think? I just keep pressing on! God is still taking care of things!! Again, it could be so much worse.

I went to a funeral today for Janet Belvo. I knew Janet from Emmaus and I’m sure some of you Emmaus people were on team with her. She struggled with cancer for about 3 years and she was 40 yrs old. If you could pray for her family that would be wonderful. She was a wonderful, beautiful woman and loved the Lord!!

Well, I will let you know what happens in Cleveland.

Lots of love, Christy

Mar 7, 2009

Hope this message finds you all well!! I have been doing well all things considered and have no reason to comlain!!

I finally got the go ahead to start chemo treatment and started Thursday. My white counts are still low, but I guess they went up enough to do treatment. They adjusted the treatment just a bit (2 days I will take a bit less chemo). I still have like 8 treatments to go. My doctor took me off my Neurontin that I had been taking since last March. So I haven’t been sleeping very well. I did take some “restless leg” medicine and that helped last nigiht. I’ll have to talk to the doctors when we go back up to Cleveland April 29th, I have lots of questions.

So, thank you all for your prayers and notes/cards!! I just got a call from Rhiannon and she and Trinity are at the park down the street. Haven’t seen them for atleast a week. So, I must go.

I miss you all and love you all!! Christy

Shelly Masters and Janet Belvo

Mar 7, 2009Oh Yeah!! My cousin Shelly Masters passed away last week! She was a sweet funny girl (early 40’s) She will be missed. Also I have to mention a sister in Christ Janet Belvo who fought the good fight with cancer! She had a sweet gentle spirit! They both will be missed, but there are so many great memories of them!! God bless you all, it’s beautiful outside!! Christy

May 1, 2009

Hi all!  I am sorry that I haven’t been in touch lately.  I have come to the conclusion I hate computers.  They confuse me and trip me up.  Sorry to start with that.

Other than that, I am doing well.  I went to the Cleveland Clinic yesterday for an MRI, blood and to see my Chemo Dr.  Doug and I had a wonderful drive there and back!  It wore him out, but we talked almost the whole way, we were goofy and laughed alot! (Sorry Doug)  Listened to a good CD of ours we hadn’t heard in a while.  Doug likes to listen loud, but we were getting into the music and it soothed my savage beast!  Had a good report that things are still stable, no changes!  I don’t quite understand it all, but no change is good, meaning not growing/spreading.  Have 5 or 6 more treatments left.  Really my only frustration right now is my short term memory.  The thought is gone if I don’t get it out or act upon it within 2 seconds.  It usually comes back to me sooner or later.  I walk around in circles quite a bit remembering where things are, especially in my kitchen.  Doug has said and my Doctor said yesterday that I should write things down in a small tablet and carry it around.  Sounds great, but I keep misplacing it.  I have alot of notes laying all over my house.  I am managing well, though! Probably need to hang it around my neck.   My sister Casey, who works for Doug and I, has taken over all the things that I used to do.  So I am an offical housewife.  Pray for her that it is not too over whelming for her.  And my other 4 sisters, daughters and Trinity help when they can.  I have been having alot of family time, a huge blessing!  They make me laugh!  My mind doesn’t do well with that.  God is faithful and is taking care of me!  Thanks to all of you – my family and friends – who bless me, God is using you! Love you all and miss those of you I haven’t seen in a while! I have been so busy lately it is hard to visit!  Our daughter, Rhiannon and her family just bought a home, Awesome!!  And Paige and Seneca are having a wedding reception in a week!  Doug and I are very proud of our children.  ( Hope it all made sense)   Christy

 Sep 3, 2009Hey everyone, it has been awhile since we’ve had an update. We just returned from another trip to the Cleveland Clinic and preparing for round 11 of 12 of chemo treatments. The MRI results yesterday may have produced something new and thus we didn’t get a clear report. The MRI will be examined today at the tumor board for a determination. Our doctor had a difficult time finding what was described as a mild progression. We should know more on this tomorrow. 

Christy has been doing well. Her weight is steady and appetite a bit more toward normal and aside from fatigue, she has had no real setbacks. We appreciate your prayers and support. We will update further tomorrow.


 Sep 4, 2009Well, here’s the scoop. The tumor board found this new area to be a slight change that does not warrant any surgery or radiation treaments. They do, however, want to modify Christy’s chemo delivery from a 5 day on, 21 off to a 21 on, 5 day off schedule. The dosage will also be lower during this 21 day period. We’ll also be heading back up to Cleveland in a month as opposed to the 2 months period. They really want to keep a close watch on her. So, all in all, we are relieved and thankful for our treatment options. Again, thanks for all your prayers!

Love you all,

Doug and Christy

Oct 8, 2009Well, Christy has made it through the 21 days of chemo. Biggest issue again is fatigue. With quite a bit of family stuff going on and Christy being Christy, she tends to get overwhelmed at times. This can lead to a little depression, but we try and combat that with laughter as much as we are capable. We bought this little mechanical cat with a motion detector that rolls on the floor and just laughs. It is pretty funny. I think we may be driving our employees crazy with it though!

We head back to Cleveland on the 14th for the usual MRI and checkup. We are hopeful for good results, but know we are blessed no matter what. I think we are going to spend the night in Cleveland this time as opposed to driving up and back in one day. We always try and make the trips a fun time. Christy and I do love being together, so it is always a special time.

Again, thanks for your support and especially your prayers. God has blessed us with all of you!

Doug & Christy 

 Oct 15, 2009Well, we are back from Cleveland and the results show more progression. The options at this point, from our neuro-oncologist’s standpoint are a combination of chemo drugs. If we opt for this treatment, we would switch to a new doctor closer to home as one of the medications would be intraveneous administered every other week. Christy’s case was to be presented to the Cleveland Clinic tumor board today for affirmation of the chemo options. We will hear from our doctor tomorrow morning on their recommendations.

At this point, we will also be looking at other alternative options to chemo. We are looking as to what makes the most sense from a health standpoint. We have much praying and research yet to do. We trust and know God is in control and will use this disease to His glory.

Christy is feeling good and is thankful for the wonderful blessings she continues to enjoy daily. She is such a caring and giving person and wants everyone to know she is praying for all of you. We do choose life. Life knowing our God will never leave us and that the best is still yet to come.

Love you all,

Doug and Christy 

 Oct 20, 2009O.K. here’s the new plan. We have visited the Back to Health Center in Kettering and have started the testing to see where Christy’s overall health stands. This includes hair, blood, urine, etc., very thorough. Once the results are back and interpreted, we will be presented with a plan to get Christy’s body as healthy as possible. This should give her the best chance to better fight this darn cancer.

We did hear back from our oncologist yesterday after Christy’s case was presented to the tumor board. The options were a little different for chemo, but nothing really stood out as a great option. After listening to those options, we told her that we had decided to go a different direction and presented our plan. Her reaction was one of total support. She said that it sounded like a great plan! Christy will still be under care at the Cleveland Clinic for scans, blood and anything else we may need along the way.

We really feel we are in the hands of God. He is giving us such incredible peace. Christy is also doing incredibly well at this point, despite the cancer. We are surrounded with such love every day. Thank you Jesus! Thanks so much for all your prayers, we love you all!

Doug and Christy

 Nov 1, 2009

Christy had a couple of seizures this past Thursday morning that required a 1 day hospital stay. She didn’t lose conciousness, but the last one caused her right arm and leg to lock up and shake and it would not let up. I called 911 and  they took her to the ER. A couple of different anticonvulsants were given to stop the seizure. This took about 2 hours or so to stop. Between the seizures and the drugs, Christy was pretty much out of it for the next 12-16 hours. 

We made it home Friday afternoon and she has made great progress since. She is feeling good and getting around the house on her own. She initially had some balance issues, but she has slowed herself down and is able to pretty much function normally. Her anti-seizure medication dosage has been increased which we hope will do the trick and keep her seizure free.

All in all, this was a scary situation. The reality of the disease reared it’s head and once again let us know that it was still there. But I must say, God also showed us that He is also there.
Thanks for your prayers and support. We love you all!

Doug and Christy

Nov 15, 2009Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on how we are doing. Christy and I were able to attend a David Crowder Band concert last Saturday. Wow, what a great time singing, dancing and worshiping our sweet Lord! The next morning we headed to Tennessee for 7 days of R&R. The drive was beautiful and as we got close to our destination, there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. What a perfect start to some much needed time away. Unfortunately, things went downhill from there. Christy’s blood pressure took a nose dive on Monday, which really zapped her. She spent the next day taking it easy and seemed to be much better Wednesday morning. We were able to check her blood pressure and it was back to normal, so things were looking up. After a brief walk, Christy felt really fatigued again and developed a headache. She spent some time on the couch and tried to get some sleep. Late in the afternoon, she had another seizure.  I held her and we prayed crying out to Jesus. This one lasted a little over a minute and didn’t have near the intensity of her other seizures. After making sure she was going to be OK, we decided that we were going home. I packed us up and hit the road after calling for some prayer support. We made it home around 2:00 a.m. Thank you Jesus!

Since we have been home, Christy has been really taking it easy. She is also full swing into her vitamin and mineral supplements and we have totally changed our eating habits. All natural, organic, non dairy, no sugar, no caffeine, no preservatives, 3 quart of water per day, etc. We’ve had to clean out our cupboards and frig and learn how to eat healthy. Amazing, it has been really good! We are looking for some good results in the near future.

Christy has had a great day today and I can see her getting stronger and her mind getting clearer. Please continue to pray for her strength, energy and full recovery from the seizures and chemo. Thanks again to everyone for your love and prayers. We continue to trust God fully, but know that at times it just isnt’ easy.  More updates soon.

Doug and Christy 

Nov 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

 I wanted to be able to share better news, but at this point Christy is in a down turn, physically and mentally. Her faith enables her to hang on to hope, but her body is just giving her fits. Her right side is continuing to not function well. She can’t use her leg or arm without much effort. This affects walking, writing, eating, etc. Also her vision in the right eye has lost all peripheral vision. Mentally, she is having a hard time communicating her thoughts at times and this is really frustrating for her and leads to emotional downturns. She also can’t read or navigate her cell phone and thus, has lost that avenue of personal communication for now. I am reading to her, mostly the Bible at this point, and we are also praying and listening to a lot of Christian music, trying to praise God in the midst of this dark storm.

Wow, that’s a lot to throw out here, but I want you all to know where she is, so that you can pray specifically and hear in your heart God’s response. We haven’t given up and are getting tests done through a local neurologist, actually the same doctor we were treated by initially 2 years ago. Her name is Dr. Sharon Merryman. Please pray for her. She has already taken a proactive approach to the recent seizures, ordering tests to ensure her seizures are indeed contained. We have an appointment with her on Dec 10th. We also have a trip to Cleveland on Dec 16th for an MRI and consult with Dr. Tekautz, Christy’s Neuro-oncologist.

Christy is doing well sticking to the nutritional treatment plan.  We hope to begin to see some positive results soon and that Christy’s brain will be able to recover and begin to heal fully from the traumas of radiation, chemo, seizures that have taken their toll. We know our God is a BIG God and we trust his will and his ways.

This is really a tough time and Christy and I appreciate everyone’s support. We wouldn’t be able to stay positive without the prayers of the saints! Thank you all so much.

Love you all,

Doug and Christy

Dec 1, 2009

Our beloved friends and family,

Well, the time looks to be near that our Christy will be going home. She has fought hard against the cancer, but is ready to let the Lord have the final word on when that is. We have engaged the services of Hospice to help us through this transition. Christy is at full peace, still smiling and able to laugh at the situations her failing body can put her in. She is such an inspiration to me. She exudes such love even in the midst of this darkness. I love her so, so much. She is such a witness to the love of God in her heart.

Love and blessings,Doug and Christy

Dec 3, 2009

This week we have experienced such an incredible outpouring of love from family, friends and our health care providers. We are so very blessed! The visits have been so wonderful and needed. Please come as you feel led. Your posts here on Caringbridge are so very uplifting. I read them all to Christy and family yesterday through many tears. Thank you!! We are truly experiencing the body of Christ in action.

Christy started on a steroid (decatron) on Monday afternoon and she is doing much, much better. She is able to get her words out and her right leg and arm are working again to some degree allowing her to walk (with assistance) to the bathroom. We watched “dumb and dummer” last night with our friends Lynn and John and we were all in tears from laughter. What a great day! Thank you Jesus!

Christy and I will take things moment by moment, knowing that life is a blessing and the moments we have to share are so precious. We pray that all who share in our story may be blessed and encouraged by the tremendous love of our Savior Jesus who knows our struggles and our pain and who can bring peace in midst of any storm.

Love you all,

Doug and Christy

Dec 7, 2009

God is so good! This past week began at such a low point and ended in a much better place. Thank you Jesus! Christy began last week unable to walk or even talk. Gradually, she has regained both abilities and has gotten a bit stronger each day! We are so very thankful for the good days we have been able to enjoy.

We have been blessed by all the visits this past week to pray for us, cook for us and just help carry us through. We are so loved and we thank you all from deep in our hearts.

At this point we are thankful for each day and we are fully trusting in God’s ultimate plan one day at a time. We love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind. We want all to know, he is our God and we desire to share deeply of the love he alone can provide.

Love to all,

Doug and Christy

Dec 9, 2009

Christy continues to improve. Her right side is working well and she is walking better each day. We have even been able to sleep in our upstairs bedroom the past few nights, which has been wonderful. Christy’s checkup with the Hospice nurse (Rhonda) yesterday revealed all good results. We know the decadron (steroid) can help tremendously, but we also more firmly believe in the power of prayer. So, thank you for your prayers and praise be to Jesus!

We have totally relied on the strength of our Lord to provide our needs one day at a time. Any other way of living quickly brings in worry, stress, uncertainty and a host of other negatives. Today, we will rejoice and be thankful for the blessings of this day, the day the Lord has made. Please, pray without ceasing, not only for us, but for those God puts on your hearts, for our Lord hears our requests and acts out of an infinite abundance of love for his children.

You all mean the world to us and we are so blessed by your love and support!

Love to all,

Doug and Christy

Dec 11, 2009

I really want to praise Jesus for another day! Christy is continuing to improve. She is walking well on her own and reading again! She is such a joy to be with. Her smile and love of people is so amazing. I am so blessed to have this time to love her on such a deep level.  

The cancer battle has been such an amazing journey for us to date. We have experienced many highs and many lows. We have cried hard, laughed hard and experienced all our emotions on such a keen level. I really can’t explain this, but life is so crystal clear. Life is love, because the one who is love chose us to love and commands us to love one another. All we really have to do is take those first steps into his arms and we are transformed, able to fully experience life together, loving one another with the deep love of our God. An amazing transformation indeed!

We want to once again thank everyone for the meals, the visits and the love we continue to experience from all of you. We are truly blessed. Pray without ceasing!


Doug and Christy

Dec 15, 2009

Christmas Greetings to all,

The last few days have been good ones. Christy was able to attend church for the first time in a couple of months. She did well, but with a full day of activity she tired out during the service. It was indeed a wonderful time of worship and praise!

Christy is such an amazing woman and God is using her to touch so many lives in such a way as only God can. I am so privileged to have her as my partner in this life.  “And the two shall become one flesh…” is so true and so incredibly a gift from above. I mean you just can’t make this happen. It is all God!

The hospice nurse is scheduled today for her weekly checkup. I know she has improved since last week, walking much better and use of her right hand is almost fully back. Wow! Thank you Lord!

We have continued to be overwhelmed with love from many. Our family has grown closer, our friendships deeper in this journey that is both difficult and totally awesome at the same time. We are so thankful for each day. Pray without ceasing and drink deeply from the source of true love…Jesus!

Love to all,

Doug and Christy

Dec 19, 2009

Greetings to all!

The past week has continued to be filled with joy and blessings. Christy is doing incredibly well! She is even doing a few chores around the house and has made a couple of short trips around the local area.

Our time together is so precious and again we are so thankful for these good days to just enjoy life. This Christmas season we are experiencing a freshness of joy unlike any other. So much love from so many, yet all from the one ultimate source, Jesus!

Christy would like to add that she so appreciates everyone and could not do this without all of your support. But most of all, “God is good, all the time”!

Love to all,

Doug and Christy

Dec 26, 2009

Good morning all!!!!  And a glorious morning in the Lord it is!!!!

I , Christy, have finally been able to get on Caring Bridge and let you know the scoop!!  God is taking care of our every need!  His timing is always perfect!!  God has given Doug an abundance of patience to take care of  me!  We want you all to know how much we love and appreciate you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You all have been such a source of great love and that is something we will not take for granted!!  FYI, I had to relearn my vocabulary/spelling, but it is happening!!  Whatever tomorrow brings, I will trust in Our Lord!! 



Jan 1, 2010

Happy New Year to all!

As the New Year unfolds, I have to look back on 2009. It was a year of change for me and Christy and many around us. With brain cancer being confirmed in 2008 and treatments running for over a year into the fall of 2009, we had dealt with change in our lifestyle as we had to make adjustments in our work, in our finances and in our schedules. Going through surgeries, radiation treatments, chemotherapy and many trips to the Cleveland Clinic did indeed change our normal day to day agendas. But, throughout all this, life was still seemingly within our control. A comfort blanket of sorts that we can hold onto and gain a sense of calm, that all is going to be O.K. But, this fall our blanket was pulled hard when Christy’s MRI showed new cancer growth and aggression.  The options for chemo were not encouraging or hopeful and we opted to go for a less radical treatment option of nutrients, exercise and prayer. There was certainly immediate relief from the negative side effects of chemotherapy, so we were excited and hopeful we were on the right path. We were still in control or so we thought.

November started well, Christy and I were beginning to walk the neighborhood again, go to the YMCA and even a concert. We made our yearly trip to Tennessee and the drive was beautiful, the condo was everything we loved in accommodations, but something was different. We tried to do the things we normally do, but that didn’t last long and we had to come home early. Thanksgiving weekend brought us to the point of staring death in the face and our blanket was now gone. Hospice, DNRs, hospital bed, wheelchair…. Out of control! A pain and anguish deep within our souls that could not be relieved. My heart hurt and ached for my best friend who was unable to walk, talk, read, write, or even eat on her own.  But something began to happen. As we cried and prayed and cried and prayed, our hearts were being changed and being healed. We were experiencing a love that words alone cannot fully express. Being a caregiver was taken to a whole new level of servant hood and through this service to Christy, my love for her has grown to something so deep, so fresh, and so beautiful, that it has changed us forever. The comfort blanket of control is no longer needed as the love of Jesus has so consumed us.

As Christy has been given relief of her symptoms and is a walking miracle at this point, we have able to fully reflect on our faith and how God has shown us so deeply and intimately that not only is He in control, but that whatever the plan is for Christy, it is of his utmost love and will be more beautiful than we can even dream. That is real hope!

Christy and I have been so blessed by our family and friends. God has worked through us and each of you to shine the light of his love, not only to us and to one another, but also to those we encounter in our everyday lives. When we encounter the love of God, we can’t hide the brightness! Trust in the Lord, taste and see that he is good!

We love you all and are praying for you as you pray for us.

Doug and Christy

Jan 17, 2010


It has been awhile since the last update and I want you all to know how much we appreciate the wonderful people God has placed in our lives. We have been so blessed in our lives to make such deep relationships with so many. These are heart relationships, connected by the spirit of God, that cross the boundaries of time and space, age and gender. There is such a love in these relationships, an incredible love, a love that words cannot fully describe; a love that cannot be contained and a love that yearns to be known and shared. Christy and I have been so blessed to experience, what I know, is a small, yet very huge piece of this extravagant love in our lives; the proverbial “tip of the iceberg” of a love so amazing, so merciful, so abundantly satisfying!

We are just beginning to understand how to accept this love, to allow this love this fill our voids, to fill our neediness. And boy, are we needy! We all are. If we could just allow this perfect love to fill our neediness, WOW, what would our lives look like? That doesn’t mean the hard things of this world would not affect us or that our emotions would be held in check. But we could begin to find the needs of our heart met in this journey of life, no matter what they are, experiencing and sharing love in the midst of heartache and sharing hope through our hurt and the hurt of others.

 I share all of this with you, because this has been our experience and our hope in the midst of this cancer. We can see despite the cancer that life is worth living, that people are capable of both receiving and sharing the gift of love even on the darkest days, thus bringing hope. We are “blown away” by this love exhibited and delivered to us by each of you! Thank you!

Christy and I feel blessed by each new day we have together. We have realized though, just how hard it can be at times to live in the “here and now”. We tend to want to try and figure out what tomorrow will look like to the point of worry. So, we need the continued power of your prayers and the love in your hearts to continue to minister to us. But, please don’t stop there; His love is meant to be shared and shared abundantly and there is no shortage of need. Ask God to open your eyes and he will!

Christy continues to do well, amazingly well actually! She is a walking testimony to the love of Jesus. The steroids do have their own negative side effects, but nothing we can’t tolerate as the positives far outweigh the negatives. We were able to make it to worship gathering at our church last night. So wonderful to have so many of our family there also, singing praises and listening to the spoken word of God together. We are so blessed!

God’s blessings and peace to all,

Doug and Christy

 Feb 2, 2010Greetings,

Well, February is here and so is our Christy! Overall, Christy is doing very well. We have had to deal with some acid reflux the last several days, which is quite painful and has kept Christy from eating much of anything. The hospice nurses have been great and worked hard to get the right medications to get her relief. Last night and so far today, she has had no pain. Thank you Lord! 

We have planned a short trip to Tennessee on Feb 15. We just want to take some time, get near the mountains, simplify, relax and spend time with God and each other. We have been to Tennessee so many times and each time, it seems fresh. In our experience, God’s beauty is always fresh, always inspiring and quenches our thirst like no other.  Can’t wait!

On another note, I have been led to the Tug McGraw Foundation and will be running a half marathon with Team McGraw at the Country Music Marathon in Nashville on April 24th. The purpose for the foundation and Team McGraw is to help raise awareness and improve quality of life for brain cancer patients. I’ve never participated in a 1/2 marathon, but something inside moved me to start running a couple of months ago and then I discovered the Tug McGraw foundation and saw that this is one way they are making a difference and providing a voice to those who have and are struggling with this terrible disease. There is no doubt I am supposed to do this. If you like to, please visit the site at www.active.com/donate/teammcgrawnash2010/tmfnash10DEllis.

Again, thank you all so much for your love and support. Each day brings both blessings and struggles. So, we so much need your continued support in this fight. We love you all.

Doug and Christy

Feb 13, 2010


Christy experienced more seizures on Tuesday evening. The after effects have definitely been a setback. We had to set the hospital bed back up as she is a bit unsteady and confused and we don’t want to take any chances on her falling down the stairs. She is also now on an additional anti-seizure medication, which are necessary, but also add to the side effects.

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our trip to Tennessee. But, we are thankful that we were home when the seizures hit. Christy and I have been so blessed to have had the opportunity to travel to so many beautiful places together. We have so many wonderful memories to revisit and we do often.

This week has been exhausting, but our fantastic support system has been in full force helping us in every aspect. We absolutely feel so loved. The body of Christ in action is so beautiful!

Today, we choose hope. Today, we will look to you and for you Jesus in all situations.

Love to you all,

Doug and Christy

Feb 13, 2010

Dear ones,

Christy’s status has changed dramatically since the post earlier this morning. Her brain is shutting down and the time is quite near for Christy to go home. She is comfortable at this point, but not very responsive. We don’t know how long she has. She is surrounded by family and tremendous love. We’ve prayed together for Christy and for one another. Continue to pray for us as this is so difficult. Love to all.

Doug and Christy

Feb 15, 2010Christy is still with us, but systematically progressing toward home. Her blood pressure has dropped and her pupils are just slightly responding to light. Our hospice nurses have taken great care of Christy and she is comfortable. We have been truly blessed.

The family has stayed close and we have supported one another through the pain and through the tears. We are sleeping in shifts and every corner of our house is a potential bed. We have felt your prayers and appreciated the gifts of food and service. Keep praying and provide as you feel led as we have need of ongoing food to keep us going. We need you and love you all.

Doug, Christy and Family

Feb 16, 2010

Christy is still with us. We are keeping her as comfortable as we can. She is well loved by all. We pray for her to be free, but God is still using her in her current condition, prompting a song written on scrap paper and sung in person, a gift of foot washing delivered in tears touching our hearts deeply. God, we are in your hands, awaiting your perfect timing.

Doug and Christy 

Feb 17, 2010A new day is here and Christy is still with us. She is such an amazing person. I love her so very much. I prayed with her this morning asking God to allow us to be his servants today and shine his light through us and glorify him, whatever way that looks. I know everyday she was able, she would open her eyes and see that God had granted her a new day and she would praise him. She can’t open them now, so I will do that for her and praise him with her for this new day.

Christy is breathing easy this morning and looks very peaceful and beautiful. Oh, did I say I love her so very much! The house is quiet and peaceful. I feel God’s presence holding us close. Loved ones have had to go back to work as the world goes on. Please pray for them as it is so hard.

We love you all so much. Updates to come as able.

Doug and Christy

Feb 18, 2010Thank you Lord for this new day! I pray for your light to shine brightly through us today. Christy and I are fully trusting you this day to provide our needs.

Christy, I miss your smile, but I know you will be smiling bright again soon. Rest in Jesus today my love. Know that we will love you fully through this time of transistion. Heaven is on your horizon. What a glorious day.

Thanks you all for the blessings you continue to provide us through this difficult time. We continue to be uplifted by God’s presence being shone brightly through the agape love of his saints. Act as God prompts you. Never question his love. Love is why he created us, so love big and love hard.

Doug and Christy

Feb 19, 2010I don’t know how to describe the difficulty of watching my best friend in this state of transistion from this world to heaven. This has stretched my faith further than ever before. I’ve felt close to breaking serveral times, but have pulled out from under the weight of the darkness each time. I have relied heavily on the prayers and support of family and friends. I see so clearly that we were never meant to take on life’s challenges alone. We so need one another!

We were blessed with such an exceptional nurse this past evening. She has really helped get Christy as comfortable as I’ve seen her in the past few days. Thank you Jesus!

I’ve prayed this morning for continued peace and total trust in God’s timing. And thanks to all who responded to my request for peace on Facebook last night. God is good!

We have been blessed by so much good food, gift cards and the visits. We do so appreciate the support.

Love to all,

Doug and Christy

Feb 19, 2010

Our Christy has made the final leg of the journey! She is now dancing with Jesus, smiling, laughing and free from the cancer, the drugs, the pain, the tiredness. She is FREE! FREE! FREE!

Thank you Lord for the happiness and joy Christy Joy brought to my life. I am so thankful for the time you blessed me and so many others with in this short time. She is leaving an incredible legacy of love that has positively affected so many. 

I will miss you my love and I will love you and hold you close in my heart forever. Until we meet again in the heavenly home. Well done good and faithful servant!!!

Grateful for each moment Christy my love!

Love to all,


Feb 20, 2010

Today has been a strange sort of day. Waking up without Christy is going to take some getting used to. I know though that God will provide what my broken heart will need. I am trying to keep my eyes on Jesus as I know in my soul that is where I will find peace, hope and assurance of the love of God. It just really hurts right now. Please continue to pray for our family as we will need all of you to help us get through to the other side of our grief.

We made the arrangements for family and friends as follows:

  Viewing: Monday, Feb 22 from 5:00-9:00 P.M. Gephart Schmidt Parramore Funeral home in Miamisburg.
  Celebration service: Tuesday, Feb 23 from 3:00 – ?? Apex Community Church, 5200 Far Hills Ave. Kettering

Please come and share in Christy’s passion for Jesus as we celebrate her beautiful life that we were so blessed to be a part of. 

Love you all,


Feb 24, 2010


Now that things have settled down, I have some time to reflect on the past week or so. All I can say tonight is Whew….This has been such an emotional and exhausting time. I have never experienced anything that has worn on me more and I know I am just beginning the next leg of this journey. I feel God is holding me close through all your prayers, but I know it is not going to be easy. Christy was my best friend. We did everything together. So, I definitely have a large adjustment to make.

I can tell you that I never imagined the love I felt for Christy was even possible. In her last week, I felt closer to her than I ever had. As I held her, read to her, prayed with her and sang to her, I loved her so very, very deeply. She couldn’t open her eyes or talk or show any response, but I just loved her more and more. When she took her last breath, I was relieved for her, but my heart felt like it would stop. My life would never be the same.

At the viewing, I experienced an incredible peace. I hugged and spoke with so many who Christy had inpacted during her lifetime. What amazed me the most was the impact she had and is making in her sickness and passing. People’s hearts have been changed. Family and friends alike are finding healing through the love of Jesus exhibited in the life of Christy Joy Ellis! God has and is working hugely through her beautiful story of love. Yes love, LOVE has indeed won!

At one point on Monday after quite a few people had come through, I couldn’t help but notice the joyful atmosphere. As I was being consoled by so many, I thought of Christy as she was being welcomed in heaven. What a beautiful time that must be! We can only imagine, but our imaginations can’t even begin to capture the beauty and excitement of that experience. WOW!!!

Writing this entry helps me, but I can tell you honestly that my heart aches. I miss my girl terribly. I promise all of you though, that I will choose life and I will choose legitimate and postive outlets for my grief. I thank all of you for your prayers and support. I know you are holding me and my family close.

Love to all,


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Today is a new day and I am grateful for life. The past month has been a little weird as I have about 2 months of missing memories after experiencing about a dozen seizures while on vacation in Myrtle Beach last month. I am currently on anti-seizure medication and mostly have not had any additional seizures that I am aware of. These seizures can be quite subtle, so I may not be fully aware of them. My neurologist has me on a cautious leash, not driving or operating yard equipment, mowers, chainsaws, etc. Probably a good thing, but quite frustrating at times as I have to rely on others to mow, drive me around and do some things that I actually enjoy doing. I am accepting more and more of what is and letting go of my resistance and focusing on gratitude and peace of mind. I am surrounded and supported by so many loving people and that has touched me deeply and is giving me the resolve to accept phase of my life.


I am feeling better these days and my memory is getting sharper in the present, yet still not much is coming back from the missing memories. It is strange to look at pictures, emails I have sent or conversations that I have had with friends and family and not remember. I am just being honest with everyone and politely asking for recaps on these events and communications and everyone has been gracious and understanding. I am hopeful all will return at some point, but if not, that is OK as I have new memories to make in every moment. I have not forgotten processes or my ability to problem solve, although remembering a password that I have used a million times has escaped my mind here and there and I have to go to my notes to re-integrate.


As for recovery, I am currently having neurofeedback, biofeedback and psychotherapy once each per week. The neurofeedback is recommended daily and seems to offer the most upside, but that is not feasible at this time due to cost. I will be beginning Tai Chi next month which I am totally excited about. I am focusing on eating clean, movement and methods of relaxation of the body and mind. All seems to have me on the right path. I pray my brain will totally heal and allow me to live a long and prosperous life free of seizures and full of love and peace.





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GratefulHere I am, this new day, looking for being present to what is. Not thinking what should or shouldn’t be. It has been a difficult area of my life as things don’t match up to the freedom and joy that I truly want. I blame myself, I blame others, but at this very moment, it doesn’t matter. I have what I have right now. Everything that is, that’s what I have. And what do I have? There are two main perspectives that I see. One, from a victim, shame filled space and one from a grateful space. I could present much evidence to the victim space and many times I do this. It does not produce joy or even solutions. It produces anxiety, overwhelm, despair, laziness, an inability to focus or take care of myself. The spinning wheel in my mind just spins and spins and spins. This space is certainly not what I want, yet I focus in this space far too often and too automatically.

The second perspective is from a grateful space. I have so much to be grateful for, even in the midst of hardship. At any moment, I can shift my focus to gratitude and find an endless stream of gratefulness. When my focus is here, I feel calm, I see beauty, I notice the trees, the birds, the sky. My sense of smell is awakened. I have more energy. I have compassion for myself and others. I feel my heart beating. I notice my breath. Time slows, urgency leaves. I feel that all things are possible. I am feeling very grateful as I sit on the back deck writing this. The sounds are so unique and beautiful. I feel alive, peaceful, truly grateful for this moment, each moment. I feel and know that I am right where I am supposed to be. This where my heart longs to be and I am here now and I am grateful.



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New Life

Daytona BeachNew life, today. I know there is no time, but now to live fully. I am aware of this newness, fresh in each moment. This is where I can breathe and feel the purpose of life. I am learning my lessons, looking to each moment to hear my uniqueness guiding me to fullness. This awareness is becoming easier to embrace each time I slow down my mind and connect to my heart. This is where the knowing comes. This is where I will do my best to explore. I am adventurous in this place. I am creative. I know that I can have all that this life has for me to experience in order to fulfill my destiny, which is to love myself and from that love extend out to the world.

I can change the world as we are all in this together and the power of infinite love eliminates all illusionary barriers. The great sages and mystics of the ages have known what it is to be fully alive and changing the world they lived in. I know this can be true for all of us. Jesus shared this truth in his time, and his words speak loudly today with ears that hear and there are many who are living this truth today. I believe this and I am experiencing an openness to seeing this life through an expanded lens. All it takes is a change in perspective in any situation. I am both amused and amazed at how easy this can be, if I choose it, if I can rise up out of the situation and observe from an untethered vantage point. Then from this place, I can then ask the Holy Spirit for a miracle and know it is already happening. Be still and know that I Am! Powerful indeed.



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In this moment

On the BeachFrom a place of knowing I go. Today is new awareness of my essence, my deepest, truest self. An embodiment of divine energy moving, expanding, ever-changing. This is where my soul is satisfied. It is where I soar, where I belong. I have access to this and more. In this place, my light shines inward and outward. It is this light that changes the world, which awakens the multitudes. It is the answer to all questioning, to all understanding, to all positive, life giving action. I am here, in this moment, for all to be as it is and as it will be. I am at rest knowing all is well. I am perfect in this moment.

I am trusting in this knowing. I am full of love for myself and all things. The birds, the trees, all of life seen and unseen. This is my reality, my life, my place in this world. Everywhere I go, there is life, there is beauty, there is all that I need, want and desire. It is at hand in this very moment. I need not search as all is already here and always will be. There is an abundance of love ever present, ever attentive to all of life, past, present and future. It is all available, surrounding all, at every moment in every situation, in every encounter, in every heart. I will stay here, in this knowing, for as long as I can. I desire to never leave this understanding, this knowing and I trust that I will always remember the place I belong. It is mine to have always and it is so good, so satisfying, and so delicious. I am so grateful!


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A New Year!

Wow, 2014 is here and so much has changed in my life over the past few years. I am not the same and life is not the same, at least not in how I perceive it. I feel more, I love more, I seek growth, I accept criticism, I no longer avoid conflict, I speak my truth, I listen, I look inward, I step out of comfort, I have balance, I am open, I express emotion, I have empathy, I am loving, I am loved, I allow others to love me, I allow others space, I lovingly challenge myself and others, I can say no without guilt, I can say yes without resentment, I know all things are possible, I live in the now, I am present in each moment, fear is leaving me, I love God, I love people, I love creation, I feel God in all things and in all places, I know wherever I am, God is, I AM….Beautiful….Forever….Always!

Lynn and DougI’ve started the New Year married to my best friend and I am so happy and feel so blessed to have such an incredible woman to travel with on this journey of life. We balance each other well as we accept the challenges of the lessons to be learned from this life school. I know we have much yet to heal, learn and experience. Our journey has been quite incredible so far, but I know there is so much more. Our favorite question to ask, “How does it get even better than this?” in any situation, has produced some pretty amazing answers. We just keep asking the question!

I am so very grateful for all that has transpired in my life as all has contributed to the life I feel inside. I am grateful for all the relationships I have and have had. They all are and were just what I needed, when I needed them. Thank you to all of you for loving me well in the ways you did. I did not always see the love expressed, as my judgment of what love should look like certainly clouded that awareness. I now see that love isn’t always expressed in ways that are easily recognized or accepted as love. I can now see the love in pain and in beauty. That doesn’t make it all roses, but it certainly keeps me from living in resentment, judgment and fear. I am free, I am alive and I am the best me I can be, right here, right now! I have the power, in each moment, to choose life in any situation. Life is what I choose. It is mine to have and to experience at its fullest, for a time such as this.



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Country Music Marathon 2012

On April 28th, I ran the Country Music Half Marathon for the 3rd time with the Tug McGraw Foundation (Team McGraw). Once again, I was honored and grateful to raise  money and bring awareness for the support of brain cancer and brain trauma research, treatment and miracles! Returning to Nashville once again provided the environment for one more step of healing for my heart.

Arriving in Nashville always brings a special excitement. I love coming here. The expo was the first destination, but Starbucks took precedence! The expo is always an active event in itself. We wrote on this beautiful “wall” to the kids at St Jude!!! It’s being taken back to the hospital for all the kids to enjoy after the marathon is over tommorow. Wow!!!! Lynn had a flip-flop blowout and shortened our browsing time as we were in search of either new flip-flops or another solution. Duct tape was found and the blowout was repaired! Now off to the main stage to hear coach Kevin speak. Kevin’s talk was amazing and really grasped the connection between physical, mental and for me,  spiritual aspects of running this event.

“The Wall

“Coach Kevin











The pre-race dinner Friday evening was a sacred time to share our stories, our grief and our courage. As I run to honor the memory of my sweet girl Christy, I was brought once again to a place of grief.  The pain of such loss was shared by many at the pre-race dinner on Friday evening. As each runner shared their reason for running, we all felt the commonality of our pain and the courage to stand as one and do what we all could, at least for this event, to carry on the legacy of our courageous loved ones.

Kevin and Lynn!

Race morning, up at 5:00 a.m. I prepared as best I could, everything the night before. It is really interesting how the nerves can make even the simple choices seem difficult. We met with most of the team in the hotel lobby and walked together to the parthenon, which is close to the start corrals, for team photos. I am emotional as I remember the first time I visited this spot with Christy and this was the spot of my first team photo with Team McGraw. This will always be a special place to me. As photos, prayers and hugs, it is off to the start corrals. I still am amazed at the crowds and number of runners (30,000+) who converge on this beautiful city. As I stand in the start corral and look back, I soak in each moment with gratitude. Such a sacred space, such an honor and privilege to participate in this event. I still cannot believe I get to do this again. I feel the connection of love as I look around and see so many running to honor their friends and family members. The names written on their shirts and bodies, pictures pinned to shirts and shorts. It is such a beautiful display of love! I AM SO HONORED and BLESSED!


The day was warm and humid with lots of sunshine, not really the best running conditions, especially with the rolling hills of Nashville! I hydrated well the day before and didn’t miss a water or gatorade station. I took S-Caps and salt packs and I still struggled the last couple of miles. Breathing was a problem and I had to be very deliberate in calming down my breath. I remembered what Coach Kevin shared concerning the pain and accepting it and leaning into it.  I thought of all that Christy endured and I knew, I could do this! The finish line again was filled with emotion. Such a bittersweet combination of emotions. Can’t explain it, but I feel this deeply in my soul. My life hasn’t or will never be the same.

Team McGraw, my friends, my family. I love you all so much. I could never have imagined having such beautiful people in my life. I am surrounded by love in such an overwhelming, unconditional manner by so many. Most of you, I didn’t even know 2 years ago, but all have and are significantly and positively impacting my life. We are a family and we are making a difference. I am so proud of everyone who ran, cheered, prayed, watched our pets, donated money and just plain opened their hearts.












Tennessee was a special place for me and Christy and it is a special place for me today. As I am able, I will continue to come back and embrace the beauty that is in the memories and in the NOW!



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I am fascinated with the constant pull of life. I am recognizing and experiencing that life is always pulling me forward and that change is a fact. I can also embrace this fact and choose to accept change in a way that promotes peace and harmony in my soul. What I find fascinating though,  is my resistance to this change. I am slowly (and I do mean slowly) learning to overcome my resistance and accept change,  thus allowing the breathe of life to flow through me and to others. This surely hasn’t been easy as I have tried to avoid change and resist it my whole life. As a matter of fact, the past week or so has been one of constant avoidance as I am coming face to face with just how much my life has changed and continues to change. This frustrates me and even angers me. Sometimes, I just want life to be like it was with all the familiarity and seeming solidarity. I am reaching for the old life in my mind where I thought I knew myself and what life held for me and it is taking me out of “NOW”. Today, this moment is all I know for sure and I am struggling with accepting that. I love the phrase “Life is in the moment”, but damn if I can grasp that fully!

As I look back though, I can see that once change is accepted, a calm does come, at least until the next change is knocking at my door and I am up again boarding the door shut! Learning to embrace change is an astonishing way to live as it promotes growth, healing, wholeness and creates true peace and harmony in my world. I want this! i seek this! I want all to know this! I choose not to remain in a state of grief for the remainder of my time here on this earth or at 55, just pull up a rocking chair and retire from life. I choose to live! I have been happy more often than not recently and I have felt joy again in my life for the first time in a long, long time. I must remember this when I am in the dark place!

The past 4 years or so have brought much grief with brain cancer coming on the scene, disrupting what I thought to be a perfect life. The treatments, the seizures, the trips to the Cleveland Clinic, the funeral, the celebration service, the constant face to face with grief, the spreading of ashes, the loss of family have all added a significant influence to change. But, so have new friends, running marathons across the country, raising money for brain cancer awareness, writing and sharing my heart publicly, expanding my spiritual consciousness and my heart, working a recovery program. All, both seemingly good and seemingly bad have promoted and/or supported change. Again, I am learning to accept change and have chosen to run at life fast and hard even when it hurts.

Just as I have learned in running marathons, I have to have the right equipment, the right mindset  and be willing to put in the work to have peace in this life. I am learning to surround myself with loving people who desire to back my wellness, wholeness and look to help me discover and fully cultivate my true authentic self. In the dark places, they gently guide me back to the light! This is bringing me life! I am feeling like life does have a purpose and meaning and that I can indeed enjoy my time here and make a positive difference in this world. When I remember who I am, I feel like I am a world changer, a giver of life and a freedom fighter! I do not have to conform or be like anyone else. I can be me, just the way God spoke me into existence.

I still put Jesus up at the top of my hero list, but today I see him much more the hero than I ever have. He was all about change, he was a rebel and one who did not conform, but chose to follow his heart and be the Godman he was created to be while on this earth. He dwelt among the outcasts of life and spit  at the religious leaders calling them out on their self promoting, spirit/life killing ways. Jesus spoke and breathed life everywhere he went and with everyone he encountered. He loved, he cried, he was angered. He healed the sick, calmed the storms, walked on water and raised the dead, including himself! And he said we could and would do the same and more! I believe him as I believe we all have the fullness of God indwelling our hearts, that is who we are! I choose to live today to my fullest, even if I can’t quite find the belief just yet to do what he did, but who knows what the next moment may bring! At least in writing this, I remember in this moment who I am and I find peace in that!



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Tough Month

Last month marked 2 years since Christy made the transistion from this life to the next. I miss her more than ever. I feel I miss her more and more as time goes by. Also February marked 10 years since my Dad made his transition and February 19th was also his birthday and the day Christy joined him in heaven. I tried to prepare for the month, but I have found there is no preparing. The sense of loss and the longing to hug them or just have a conversation can cause great frustration and the longings come when they come. I have no control over this, but I have learned to just let the feelings in and I remember. I am thankful for the memories. I have a good cry and it helps. I miss them so much. I still feel Christy very close and I know that she is. It just doesn’t seem fair sometimes, but I am thankful for the time I had with her and I am thankful for the closeness I have with her even now. Thanks for the hawks Christy! Next month will mark 11 years since my Mom left this life and I can’t even believe it has been that long. I have also said goodbye to many other family and friends over the last decade and it can leave me with a feeling of aloneness. The turnover has been crazy and It has been quite overwhelming at times to daily live in so much unfamiliar.  But I have a loving higher power that has surrounded me with such incredible support. God has provided amazing people and resources and I am so very grateful. My life is becoming fresh and alive once again. I feel a sort of rebirth, a new awareness. I have really had no choice but to seek life as the alternative was not appealing at all (been there, done that). I am growing, I am learning, I am healing.  As I do, I am finding that I have a real purpose yet to fulfill in this world. I have experienced much and have been prepared for such a time as this. I’m ready, I’m willing and I’m facing any and all fears and removing all hindrances that keep me from being me, the beautiful, magnificently unique expression of God that I am. At one time, I would have thought this to be a bit over the top, but I now see this in all people. We are wonderfully made, known fully before coming into this world, a true miracle of life and creation. “And God breathed in the breathe of life into man”. I celebrate this for me and for all! Blessings, Doug

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Journey into 2012

I remember back to 7th grade (I believe it was) going to the Franklin Cinema with my class to watch 2001 a Space Odyssey. 2001 seemed like a time so far out that I couldn’t even comprehend not only seeing 2001 come and go, but to see 2012! Well, here it is and here I am. So much has changed since then. The world in many ways is a different place, yet so much the same. I am also different and so much the same. I recognize as I have grown older, I have went through different periods of learning, testing, evaluating and applying. This process has taken me far away from my home many times or at least from my awareness of home. You see, I believe my home is in my heart and thus I am never really lost or far away. I have only lost my connection to my home, to my truth of who I am. I have unplugged from source and plugged into a thing or another person, thus clouding my awareness of who I really am. It has taken much to make me aware of this and I know I will forget again and again, but it seems as I continue to test life by allowing my mind and spirit to be stretched, I am somehow beginning to trust that I am never truly alone, nor far away, even though everything in my immediate vision screams otherwise. This awareness is giving me courage to step outside the fence of my comfort and deep down know that even if I fall or suffer pain in my choices, I am never alone. I have a home always and I am never homeless.

This life has been quite a journey for me. Looking back, I am finding a truth about myself that has really always been there, but I just couldn’t see it. The truth, I believe, is that I am a unique and magnificent outpouring of love from the creator of life. I am indeed special as is all of creation. At times in my life, I have known that, without doubt, but I couldn’t hold onto it. I have had to experience life with all its pain, discouragement and disappointments. Experiencing life, coming to the end of myself, my ego created reality, is where I find the truth of who I really am. It is in hitting the rock bottom and then finding that the bottom is really an illusion. It is a false bottom! And as I fall through, I am being freed. I am no longer afraid in this realization. I am no longer in bondage to my fears. I can actually begin to spread my wings and soar! My vision becoming like the hawk (a beautiful story to share here).


I long to stay in this reality, but as it is, I will forget and I will panic turning to my old restricted ways, but life is my training ground and I am a willing student. Today, I will do all I can to live life in each moment and cherish all that is, trusting that I will experience peace and serenity deep in my heart, even if I can’t see it or feel it in my moments of limited awareness.



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